

The Bank offers the option of quick and simple creation of term deposits using your free funds at interest rates in accordance with the Decision on Bank interest rates, in the amount and at the maturity best suited to your needs

We offer the following term deposit types:
  • HRK deposits
  • HRK deposits with EUR indexing
  • Foreign currency deposits
Annual interest rates on general-purpose term deposits:

   1 month  3 months 6 months 12 months 24 months 36 months
HRK 0,10% 0,40% 0,70% 1,00% 1,20% 1,40%
HRK indexed in  EUR 0,05% 0,10% 0,20% 0,30% 0,40% 0,50%
EUR deposit 0,10% 0,20% 0,30% 0,50% 0,60% 0,70%
USD deposit 0,20% 0,40% 0,80% 1,20% - -
CHF deposit 0,00% 0,00% 0,00% 0,00% - -

Please note that we offer the option of granting more favorable interest rates on larger amounts of term deposits. The minimum amount of a HRK deposit and a HRK deposit indexed in EUR is 25,000.00 HRK, for a EUR deposit it is 3,000.00 EUR, for a USD deposit it is 5,000.00 USD, and for a CHF deposit it is 5,000.00 CHF.