P@RTNERnet - Corporate and SME service
The P@RTNERnet Internet banking service enables you to perform the following when using your transaction accounts at the Bank:
  • Issuing domestic payment orders (by individual entry of an order or by uploading the order from templates in the FINA-required format), to be executed on the day of issue or later,
  • Issuing foreign payment orders,
  • Issuing orders to purchase foreign currency,
  • Issuing orders to redeem foreign currency,
  • Easy and quick generation of orders using templates,
  • Information on balances per account and currency,
  • Overview of turnover per account and currency,
  • Overview of all the transactions ordered to be executed from the account irrespective of where the order was made (at the Bank or via P@RTNERnet),
  • Listing of transactions and statements per account in pdf format,
  • Provision of electronic statements - in FINA-required format (.txt i .xlm) in currency 191/HRK,
  • Provision of electronic statements for other currencies per account,
  • More favorable fees per payment order, and statement provision per account without fee.

Fees for the use of P@RTNERnet INTERNET BANKING service are charged monthly in accordance with the volume of service used.
Partner banka d.d. Zagreb    |    VonĨinina 2, 10000 Zagreb    |    telefon + 385 1 4602 222    |    telefaks + 385 1 4602 289